Policies, Terms and Conditions
Below you will find important information which we request all parents read, share and discuss with their children as appropriate.
For AMC 'Tots' and 'Adult Classes' full payment for the full block is required before the block begins, and is to be paid via our booking system. For 'School of Dance' classes, payment for full terms is required before the term begins. Your space within the class is only confirmed once payment has been received.
Wherever possible, AMC is a cashless organisation. Bookings and payments are made through our Bookwhen system before the block/term of class start. In exceptional circumstances (where members are not in a position to pay upfront and/or in one go), they should contact Sarah Weston (Assistant Principal) to arrange a payment plan - we will always try to work with our members to find a payment solution that works for all.
For our 'School of Dance' classes only, discounts are available for families paying for more than one class per week. 5% discount is applied for 2 classes per week and 10% discount for 3 or more per family. We also have a price cap policy. Please see Payment Details for full information. We do not currently offer discounts on our Tots or Adult classes.
Fees are non-refundable or transferable, even if you decide to no longer attend AMC or in the cases of pupil illness, our costs are fixed and have to be paid whether you attend or not. AMC School of Dance reserves the right to change upcoming fees or timetable without prior notice. However, we will endeavour to inform parents and guardians of any changes as soon as possible. Special events such as medal days, shows and dress rehearsals are charged and counted as classes - even if you/your child chooses not to take part.
If we have to cancel a class that you have paid for, we aim to offer another class instead (this is usually done by extending the term by one further week). Otherwise we will credit you with a class for the following term’s fees.
No fee will be returned if a class is cancelled due to inclement weather conditions or any other circumstances outside of our control. In prolonged periods of these cases, for example lockdown due to pandemic (e.g. Covid-19) we will endeavour to provide online Zoom classes or other ways of learning in place of our regular classes wherever possible.
We aim to keep class times constant for all pupils, but sometimes changing a class time and/or venue is unavoidable. We aim to give one term’s notice of permanent changes, and at least 1 week's notice of one-off changes. If, however, we have to change a class time/venue at short notice and your child has to miss the class because of this, we will refund for that class.
Photographs must not be taken (or recordings made) whilst on site unless authorised by the dance school to do so, or it is quite clearly of only your own child. AMC are permitted to take our own photos and videos which we will post on our social media channels (as per our photography opt in/out policy below).
We also do take photos and video footage of our members from time to time and use it to help with marketing for the school. The photos and videos may be used at our website or on social media (as per our photography opt in/out policy below).
AMC School of Dance will ensure that each member has the opportunity to opt in or out of being in photos and videos taken by us and/or our professional videography or photography partners for rehearsal purposes and marketing purposes. This is done via our Bookwhen system. If permission is not granted, then members may be asked to sit out of run-throughs that are being recorded and photo opportunities. It will also mean that members WILL NOT be able to take part in our annual shows and special events as these are recorded as a matter of course.
Members should arrive promptly, correctly dressed and attend classes regularly. If hair is long enough to do so it should be tied back in a bun, pony tail or similar.
Members should wear the correct AMC School of Dance uniform for class (where applicable). New pupils may attend no more than their first 3 classes with incorrect uniform. Details of uniform requirements and current uniform ordering process is available on request from their class Administrator, or see our website here.
Members participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform the staff of any existing injuries or medical conditions.
During class, members are expected to listen and focus and we discourage any unnecessary talking, most of the time. (Although there will be times when the atmosphere is more relaxed). If a child is causing disruption they may be asked to leave the lesson.
You/your children are responsible for your/your children’s belongings. We request you name items of uniform. Although we will store any lost property that we find after class, we cannot be liable for lost or damaged property
All members and their parents/guardians of the dance school community are expected to:
be responsible for their own actions and know how to behave.
show self-discipline and support others.
have good manners and be polite.
show understanding and respect towards each other and others’ property.
display positive attitudes to the school and staff team.
Should we believe that these standards are not being met, we will speak to the parent/guardian to try and resolve any issues. Should behaviour continue not to meet our expectations, our Principal reserves the right to ask that pupil to leave the school.
All members under 16 must be signed in and out of the premises by their parent or guardian, indicating whether the parent/guardian is staying on site or not. AMC staff electronically record all signings in and out.
For Tots or Juniors where parents sit in our classes, the parent/guardian remains responsible for their child's safety at all times. It is their responsibility to take them to the toilet etc.
For Juniors, PreIntermediates and Intermediates where children are signed into our care, our teachers are responsible for your children’s safety while in class, for the duration of the class itself only - you cannot leave them unattended if there is a space of more than 15minute between their classes.
PreSeniors and above are permitted to stay on site if they have a gap between classes. It is imperative that we are told that this is the case and our Admin on duty will ensure they are safe. They will not be permitted to leave site for any circumstances during this time.
Please ensure you are waiting for your child when they leave the hall at the end of their class. You should make sure your child understands that if for any reason you are not there when they finish class, they must speak to the AMC Admin on duty and wait for you while watching the next class. This is absolutely fine, and children are welcome to wait for you in the hall with us. Do please try to avoid being late, especially if your child’s class is the last in the session.
If your child is being collected by someone else, you must declare this on sign in so that we are aware.
AMC School of Dance is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and expects all staff, visitors and parents to share this commitment. It is every dance schools statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, as outlined by the DFE in its publication Keeping Children Safe in Education. This means that the dance school must protect children from maltreatment, prevent impairment of children’s health or development, ensure that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provisions of safe and effective care and take action to enable all children to have the best outcomes in life. Our safe guarding officer is Adele Clarke (Principal).
At AMC School of Dance we ensure that all members of staff and visitors who come into contact with the children and their families is clear on the role that they play in safeguarding children. We promote an ethos where children and parents feel comfortable sharing their concerns about their safety and well being of others.
Child protection is everybody’s responsibility and all people in the dance school community have a duty to act on any concern. If you are concerned about the safety of any child in our dance school, you must report this to the designated safeguarding lead – Adele Clarke. All staff members of our dance school wear a staff tshirt with their name and role on. This allows the staff, children and parents to know who the responsible adults are in the dance school, ensuring that everyone feels safe. All staff that are over 18years of age hold a current, enhanced DBS certificate. There are at least 2 members of AMC School of Dance staff on site at all times during classes and no AMC member of staff under the age of 18 will ever be left with a child unsupervised (to protect everyone). Where possible, we encourage parents to take their own children to the toilet should they need assistance. For large performances, special events and trips - we follow the Child Performance License and registered Chaperone rules and regulations set out by Leicestershire County Council.
Teaching dance is a physical activity and a teacher will sometimes need to make physical contact with a student to show an idea or to correct the student’s position. This can include:
• Adjusting arms, legs, rib cage, hips, feet, hands
• Moving one student in relation to another
Where contact is needed, we will remain sensitive to the student’s wishes and put their welfare first. In all cases, we will say why and how we will be correcting the student’s position before making any contact. We encourage students to report any concerns.
AMC School of Dance will comply with the requirements of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981. Your registered First Aiders are Adele Clarke, Annabel Banks, Sarah Weston and Ella Reynolds. First aid boxes are located within all of our venues, and a kit is also carried by AMC staff at all times.
AMC keeps records of pupils on an online databases (Bookwhen, Mailchimp and Wix - all GDPR compliant) with password protection for the purpose of efficiency and consistency of administration. They can be viewed by you at any time and by any member of the AMC staff team. These details will enable us to contact you in an emergency, send you information and updates, keep our class lists up to date, and enable us to take any injury/illness/medication stated into account or apply informed first aid when needed. We also periodically have to send the names, addresses and date of births of all 16 year olds to our local council in order to apply for performance licences or performance licence exemptions for shows and large performances. If you would like to opt of us doing this, and therefore those opportunities, please inform us in writing. Other than in this case, we will not share any of your personal details without your permission, aside from where the law allows. This complies with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the GDPR legislations.
Should you leave AMC School of Dance, your details will be permanently deleted within 1 year. You also have the right for to request your details be deleted at any time.
AMC School of Dance reserve the right to amend these policies, terms and conditions at any time, as long as notification of doing so is sent to all members.
Last amended: August 2023